Camp Cretaceous
Have you ever wondered about the series Camp Cretaceous that you've seen on Netflix but probably decided to never watch because it's a kids show? Well here's some information about the show that might make you change your mind!

- From : Damian Stafford

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Damian Stafford

Damian Stafford I've been watching it. Only on season 3 but so far it's a really amazing show. Everyone should go watch it. It's amazing!

Harlie Delal

Harlie Delal Ask me, yes! I love that show!! ♥

Michael Chambers

Michael Chambers It's an awesome show! Ask Harlie xD

Ellie linestone

Ellie linestone I've watched the whole show with my siblings! I absolutely loved all the character development and the plots in every episode. I also love the fact that they included topics following the LGBTQ+ community! It was very engaging and a real binge worthy show! Highly recommend!! >3

Nora Milligan

Nora Milligan It is an amazing show! I can only advise everyone to watch it :)

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