Jurassic Park T-Rex

The Jurassic Park T-Rex

The Jurassic Park T-Rex is a large theropod dinosaur. T-Rex is short for Tyranosaurus Rex. The Jurassic Park T-Rex is a female dinosur that was created in the InGen lab to be one of the first few dinosaurs to be shown on the island. The T-Rex shown in the movies was one of seven created T-Rexes, she was chosen to be the first one send to Isla Nublar to showcase the T-Rex paddock and be to inhabitant of that specific area of the park. They were all meat eaters and didn't like to touch anything that wasn't meat.

What Happened to the Jurassic Park T-Rex?

The T-Rex in jurassic park was sent to the mainland to be auctioned off ater Mt. Sorna erupted, nobody bouht her so she was released into the wild to live free. Her name was Rexy and as far as anyone knows she is living safe and comfortably in the wild of the mainland in North America. Thouh many people actually believed that Rexy was injured when the volcano erupted, she was alive and well along with many other dinosaurs who were taken off the island.

Jurassic Park T-Rex creation

The T-Rex known as rexy was created as one of the first seven T-Rexes to be made in the InGen labs. She was five years old after they took her to Isla Nublar. She lived on the island for over twenty five years making he one of the oldest dinosaurs to live on the island. She was created be the the mascot and main showcase of the original park as well as being the face of the T-Rex Paddocks. They were created by InGen after they discovered a mosquito that was encased in petrified amber, the scietists extracted the dinosaur DNA and started to create the dinosaurs. They got lucky when they found actual dinosaur DNA from something other than the bones.

Jurassic Park T-Rex Size

The T-Rex was 13 feet at the hips and 43 feet in length. The T-Rex weighed 9.8 tons and sometimes they could get bigger than that as well. They are around the same weight as the largest african elephant and five times the size of the average seven year old human child. The skull itself is more than 1.3 meters long or 4 feet long. The teeth were 15 centimters long.


The T-Rex was one of the originallargest dinosaurs and they were alo one of the most dangerous and smart carnivores in the whole world at the time that they lived. Most T-Rexes were dated back to living in the Jurassic era of the dinosaur ages. T-Rexes were carnivores meaning they only ate meat, being other dinosaurs and even other creatures that were around them. They would not eat anything green and they preferred to eat dinosaurs and animals that were smaller than them, making them a very dangerous dinosaur to be willing to go aroundwhen Jurassic park was originally opened. To make it even somewhat safe to be around them, you would have to be smart enough to be able to keep them locked up in a paddock or cage.

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